
The Lawyers Told Me To Tell You:

(Updated as of Feb. 1, 2025)

I am not a doctor, Certified Diabetes Educator, or anyone remotely qualified to offer advice for someone to apply to their own life (Insert Laugh Here).

This blog is for informational and entertainment purposes only, based on my own life's experiences and perspectives as someone living with T1D since 1984. Nothing on this site qualifies as medical advice and nothing is intended to be interpreted as "practicing or advising on medicine" to any degree.

The Diabetes Online Community exists to support and provide fellowship to people with diabetes. It does not replace professional medical care. If you want to make any changes for yourself, please consult a real doctor or medical professional.
Pharma and any Companies or Industries scoping out my site: Welcome! I'm eager to hear any feedback and share information based on whatever may be happening on your end. However, please know that I'm not here to promote your interests or make you look better.

While I'm a journalist following a professional ethical code of being Objective, Fair, and Balanced, keep in mind that this is also a personal blog aimed at reflecting my own editorial messages and perspectives as a patient-expert. So, please don't try to bribe me but feel free to try and convince me you're worth writing about in my little online universe.

Disclosures, For The Record: It's important to know the motives and professional associations that may influence those opinions you're reading. So, I point out that I currently use a Medtronic Minimed 722 pump and OneTouchUltraLink meter, and am not using a CGM at the moment. Through April 2012, I was working at a statewide legal newspaper in Indiana and kept my "day job" journalism separate from my diabetes blogging.

In late 2011, I became a paid freelance for writer for DiabetesMine as well as other diabetes publications such as Diabetic Living magazine.  In May 2012, I began serving as full-time Managing Editor for DiabetesMine. San Francisco-based Healthline.com acquired DiabetesMine in January 2015. The same happened with Red Ventures in 2019. Those parent companies were my full-time employers as I was a salaried position working remotely from the "DiabetesMine Great Lakes Office."

Healthline decided in February 2022 to permanently shut down DMine, and I continued my employment on other editorial teams within the company after that took effect in April 2022. While I have occasionally written on diabetes since then, I have not been connected to professional responsibilities or relationships in the same way through my employment with RVO Health.

From time to time as author and editor of The D-Corner Booth, I've participated in conferences and meetings that certain companies or organizations pay for in part or in full. This is NOT a sign that any of my content is being bought and paid for. In fact, those that I've had the privilege of participating in have not asked me or any others that I know to even write about anything, unless we choose, and the editorial content is always up to us.

From December 2015 - April 2022, I participated in various social media summits and healthcare forums and events in my personal diabetes advocacy work and my job with DiabetesMine.
With that, please also note that the content is expressly my own Intellectual Property. I welcome your visits and reading of my material, but please provide proper credit and attribution if you choose to cite any of this on another website. If not, you may be violating Title 17 U.S.C. Section 101 et seq., and could be liable for statutory damages as high as $150,000 as set forth in Section 504(c)(2).
So, you're forewarned. Thanks for playing.

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