Baby Yoda'ing My Diabetes with Tandem's Control IQ Technology

After a couple weeks of using the new Control-IQ feature by Tandem Diabetes Care that helps automate insulin dosing, I am very impressed. Just approved at year's end 2019 and launched in mid-January 2020, this system has earned some high marks from me, along with some suggestions for improvement. The pop-culture analogy that best describes my experience so far is that Control-IQ is like Baby Yoda — as it's cute and photogenic and has gone viral online. Sure, it has some mystical skills, but it gets tired easily and can't yet fully tap into The Force to keep me at optimal glucose levels all the time. Quite simply, some days with Control-IQ have been magical for me, while others left me wanting to throw the device to the floor. But there's no arguing with the remarkable Time-in-Range (TIR) results I've achieved over my first two weeks with Control-IQ: between 70 to 180 mg/dL at an impressive 86 percent of the time, up from the roughly 66 percent I saw befor...