Shadow Returns To Say: The Cost of Living with My Diabetes

So, Day Two.

Diabetes Blog Week 2017.

Topic? "The Cost of a Chronic Illness."

Sure, many are writing and being oh-so-serious. Because, this issue is... oh-so-serious. And downright enraging and maddening and so on and so forth.

But there's another side of this question, relating to the cost of living with diabetes.... from the POV of "What's the cost YOU FACE when living with someone who has T1D?"

My beloved cat might have something to say, if she were around these days to speak about this.

Shadow's been gone for 5 years now, her Cat Dreams of World Domination Unrealized. But she certainly paid the price as a result of living with us and my type 1 world -- especially in the context of DOC craziness.

For example, being subjected to all kinds of strange behavior -- like being forced to wear diabetes supplies on her head... which as you can tell, SHE ABSOLUTELY LOVED! ;)

If she were around today, Shadow might say something along these lines....

ME: Here Kitty Kitty... let's have you wear this insulin pump tubing on your head...!"

SHADOW: Never.

Me: Come here, kitty....

SHADOW: No way. You pick me up when I don't want to be picked up. You trap me underneath laundry basics on the bed. And then you wonder why I try to steal your diabetes meter kit... or eye that insulin vial and syringe, knowing I could take you out...

ME: It's just a fun picture, Shadow. A-ha, GOTCHA!

SHADOW: I. Hate. You. And I will murder you in your sleep.

ME *snapping a photo to share

SHADOW: This is the cost, for being able to live in a good home with two humans who appear to care about me and feed me each day. Even if I'm subjected to this type of "torture"... and that damn idiot dog. 

ME: Now, pose for another one, Shadow...

SHADOW: *narrows eyes. You fool. Ever wonder why you have unexplained Lows sometimes? Yep, that was me, pawing the insulin pump quick bolus button while you slept...

ME: Love you, Shadow Cat.

SHADOW: Well, maybe you're not so bad... but just wait. We will dominate the world. Not even the Riley Dog will be able to save you.


Oh, Shadow. Miss you bunches. And even though you paid the price of my weirdness, it was all in good fun and out of love.

So, there it is. Shadow paid the price. All in good fun.

#LikeYouDo when living in the diabetes world.

But, you make a face and move on, because life indeed goes on. No matter what the price is you're being forced to pay for being a visible part of this D-World.

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#DBlogWeek on Twitter, Yo. A whole lotta goodness going on.


Karen said…
Oh Shadow, I miss you too. I love the thought of Shadow bolusing during the night!! I wonder if K.C. does that too....
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