One, Two, Three... And Down We Go

So, Day Four of Diabetes Blog Week 2017.

Topic: What Brings Me Down (aka Throwback Thursday, if applicable).


OK, fine. Let's cue the ELO here, why don't we...

If not that, then maybe...

And shit, if that doesn't work, then maybe the only recourse is...

If those three don't "bring me down," well then screw it, I'm going to ride this glucoaster of being High for a bit.

And then, most likely: I'll have to tell you again, before I get off the floor (due to a triple-effect hypo).

Does that answer the question?!

If not, maybe another #DBlogWeek blogger has a better answer in mind... 

(Seriously, I get it's a play on Mental Health Month and what challenges your mental health when it comes to living with diabetes -- and so I'd double-down on my above points. Because, seriously. High blood sugars are so much a part of mental health and diabetes. It's beyond ridiculous how closely tied together those two issues are, along with other things -- like your thyroid gland being out-of-whack, lack of sleep, and so on. If you don't believe me, Google it. Or just look back at what I've shared on this very topic, in the many years past. It's totally a thing.)


Rick Phillips said…
236's make me cranky as well. Seriously cranky.

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