Driving A Car on Dangerous, Worn Tires

Hello again. Blue Care Network. It's me again. The guy you've added to "The List" on potential rabble-rousers, those you sound warning bells on whenever their name pops up in the call que or a written communication comes in. Yep, that guy . We've done this dance before, you and I. Remember? Letter to My Insurance Company: I'd Rather Not Die Today If My Diabetes Devices Were Parts of a Car... My inhaled insulin Rx request that you initially denied, and then changed your mind on. The other battles that I didn't care to continue, because even though it was a question of improving my health, it wasn't worth my sanity. Yet amazingly, you don't seem to learn the lesson. Even though it's clear you have a pattern of "deny first" and thoughtfully-consider the request later on appeal, the cycle continues. Alert your supervisors, because you're all in for another round. A few weeks ago, my doctor's office called in a pres...