An Exclusive (Diabetes) Chat with Rock Legend Mick Jones of Foreigner

Photo credit: Tim Mosenfelder/Getty images Being a huge classic rock fan, one of my all-time favorite groups is the legendary Foreigner, that’s brought us incredible tunes like Cold As Ice, Hot Blooded, Urgent, and I Want To Know What Love Is (to name a few). I’m a big classic rock geek and huge fan especially of Foreigner’s music from the 80s, and I’ve even been known to put my own diabetes spin on their music — changing up their classic rock hit Jukebox Hero to humming “Juicebox Hero.” So, imagine my excitement when learning that Foreigner was not only coming to my local Metro Detroit for a two-week tour with Michigan native rocker Kid Rock in August 2015, but also playing a private charity event benefiting the JDRF that would feature a live acoustic mix of its classic song favorites. OMG…! That’s about as cool as it gets, right?! I’ve been lucky to chat with pop singer Nick Jonas before, and a few years ago met 80s rocker Bret Michaels at a diabetes event, but this feels like ...