Because I Believe, And My Coffee Mug Says So (#DBlogWeek 2015 Day 1)

Welcome to Diabetes Blog Week 2015, the sixth time our online community has come together for this!

If you know what #DBlogWeek is, then you need no intro to this. If not, go ahead and click on over to what Karen (the creator) says about this. And now, today's prompt:

I Can

In the UK, there was a diabetes blog theme of "I can...”  that participants found wonderfully empowering.  So lets kick things off this year by looking at the positive side of our lives with diabetes.  What have you or your loved one accomplished, despite having diabetes, that you weren't sure you could?  Or what have you done that you've been particularly proud of?  Or what good thing has diabetes brought into your life?  (Thank you to the anonymous person who submitted this topic suggestion.)
Here's what others are saying on this particular topic.

And my response?

Even though sometimes it feels as if I'm at the bottom of the well, staring up at the top without any way to climb out, I know that there's hope. And that no matter the life or diabetes challenge, it's possible to move forward.

It's been years since my A1C has been as low as 6.1%, but that did happen right after college. And I know that when I "do what I'm supposed to," often that means my blood sugars and diabetes remains good to go. And so, I know that I Can (if I apply myself).

Growing up, I worried about not being able to achieve my dreams of becoming a reporter, covering a daily beat and being out on the scene of a community. I did that. Graduated from college (despite a horrible first year). Met and married a great woman.

All so many things... I have done, and can do. And I know from many of the inspirational stories out there, that I Can do so much. Even now, as I work to eat healthier and limit my carbs, I know from others that it's not impossible and that helps motivate me.

So, thank you to all in the D-Community online and offline who help inspire me, to be empowered and know "I Can."

What's next? I don't really know, but I am pretty sure that I'll be able to do it or will give it my best.

Oh, and if there's any more doubt?

Yes, I know I can do anything I want... because my coffee mug says so.

And sometimes when in doubt, I have a little reminder right there on my wrist, telling me that I Can Do This thanks to all the latest D-tech and gadgets and peer-connections that exist to help me along the way. (see also: Go Go Gadget Nightscout!)

Yep, I can. You can. We can.

So, let's make that happen.


Karen said…
Awesome!!!!! I love seeing how much we all have accomplished and all of the dreams we've made come true. And your list is quite impressive!
Joanne said…
I only can because I saw that other before me could. Thanks to you and all the adults who have let me know over the years that Elise and I ca.
Unknown said…
Awhile back when I was still a #doc lurker, you were one of my go-to diabetes writers, and you still are. I am so glad that you can; we are all the better for getting to read your honest, informative reporting. Coffee cup cheers!
Unknown said…
Love the coffee mug and I am still hoping to get a bracelet some day. You know that I think you are a rockstar and keep up the good work. You can, that's for sure:-)
Mike Durbin said…
Nicely done, Mike! Cheers!
Frank said…
Interesting to read your insight back when you were first diagnosed and compare it to mine - I don't think I've ever had to worry about not being able to achieve something with diabetes...yet. Goes to show how much things have improved since then. And hopefully our next generations will be even more fortunate!
Alecia said…
I agree with Ally... you were and still are one of my absolute go-to D writers! Thanks for all you do!
Kelly Booth said…
Like you said at the beginning, always believe! And if you start to forget, have another cup of coffee!
Kelley said…
I love your photo of your diabetes gear! Great post :)
Anonymous said…
Wonderful! I am so used to reading your articles on DMine that I felt a bit of surprise hearing your personal voice. Thank you for participating in this Mike. It is great to have your thoughts and pride in the community. <3
Kate Cornell said…
Hugs! I need one of those mugs!

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