Eleven Years Later, It's Time To Say: Goodbye, Indiana

We have been living in Indiana for a little more than 11 years now, but the time has come to move back to Michigan. That's where we are from and it's where family is at, and once again we'll be Michiganders instead of transplant Hoosiers ( btw almost a decade later, the question remains: WTF is a Hoosier ?! ). We've always wanted to move back to the Metro Detroit area and that has been a plan we hoped to make happen at some point. We have flirted with the idea of a move back for years now, especially after I started working from my virtual home office about three years ago. But it was never the right time. Until now. Actually, we reached a final decision during our awesome vacation to Michigan's Upper Peninsula last Fall and started putting the pieces into place, exploring real estate and other necessary items in order to make this happen. And here we are, ready to move back to Michigan in just a few short months. Honestly, aside from the necessities of ...