I Am Not A Diabetes Jedi

It was a usual morning, with stress and work levels being lower and more managed than they had been during recent days. I was quite productive, and was happy with how the day was moving along at that point. But looking down at my desk, two things occurred to me: 1. My coffee cup was nearly empty. 2. I needed to do a blood test, because it had been a while (and I wasn't wearing my Dexcom). At that moment, I didn't feel like standing up or even moving my arm across the length of the desk to grab my USB meter, stab my finger and check my sugar. I was just feeling lazy, or too comfy in my office chair to disrupt the flow of things. "Maybe.... I can just will it to show me a number. And maybe the coffee will refill all by itself." I waited, and neither happened. (Upon reflection: This was probably more me weighing the need for both, rather than actually hoping something Jedi-like would happen here...) Sighing, I reluctantly grabbed my meter and stuck a str...