Call for Nominations: Best of the Betes Blogs for Halloween 2014!

Hey, friends! This month, I'll be hosting the October-November Best of the ‘Betes Blogs ! If you aren't up on what this is all about, here's the 411: it's a great way to recognize our peers/fellow D-peeps in the Diabetes Blogosphere. You know, a kind of those #dblog posts that caught me eye and I think are worth a read. Please get all your nominations in as soon as possible, by this weekend, so that we can go through the submissions and get the list compiled. It will go up here on Monday, Nov. 3. Nominate your favorite posts from the month of July in these categories: Best Use of Humor Best Vlog Best Recipe Best Use of Photography Best Advocacy Best Reference to a D-Celebrity Best Story of a D-Meetup Best Non-D Related Post Best Post by a Type 1 Best Post by a Type 2 Best Post by a Type Awesome Best Post by a LADA/Type 1.5/Not Otherwise Specified Best Story of a D-Mistake Best Motivational Post Best Diabetes Art Best Comment(s) Nominating i...