Those Forty Eight Tidbits About Me

You might call it Hoskins 101. I call it: The Me Post. Since I've never cared for MeMe... But whatever it's dubbed, here's the 48 questions and answers all about me. Enjoy. 1. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? No. My parents wanted to name me David, but in the end Michael prevailed. My middle name is William, and that's specifically a family tradition on my dad's side. That is the first name of my dad's dad, and he was named after his own grandfather (my 2nd great grandfather) who was William Oliver Hoskins. The family name of William dates back to our ancestrial roots in the 1700s, I've discovered in my genealogy research. 2. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? I don't remember. But wanna know something a little embarrassing on that topic? I may have shed a tear or two in a movie theater back in the day (circa 1990) when Home Alone was showing. Remember, that scene at the end where the elderly neighbor finally reunites with his son and family? Yep. ...