The Beat Goes On

Not too long ago, I was driving somewhere.

Don't ask me to remember where, because I don't recall the route or what Point A or B might have been. All I know is that at the time, it was a bright sunshiny day and I had an urge to hear some Tom Petty.

Fortunately, I'm a Petty fan and have several CDs with me in my vehicle. So I put one in the player to crank up.

Clip Art Source.
Sadly, the CD player at that moment decided to eat my music and wouldn't play. And I couldn't switch to other Petty CDs, or even eject them to try again. Pretty much, I was SOL.

That door to listening to Tom Petty at that moment in my drive appeared to be closed.

I wasn't happy.

Then, something profound happened. Well, maybe it wasn't that profound... but it certainly felt that way at the time, and given all the other stuff happening in my life.

Switching to FM and a classic rock station, I came across the introductory notes of the very song I had been hoping to hear first - Free Fallin' by Tom Petty.

This made me smile, but it also made my mind do some cartwheels and a couple prayers of gratitude escaped my lips.

When one door closes, another opens.

And at this point in my life when there's so much change happening, that message - even brought to me in the form of Tom Petty's tunes - made all the difference.

Once again, I found myself driving out Into the Great Wide Open and just Learning To Fly on this crazy road of life.

The beat goes on. Even when it doesn't seem like it will. You just have to have a little faith.


Kate Cornell said…
I love this, Mike! How fortuitous! This post made me smile. (a side note, I've seen Petty in concert twice and it was awesome!!)
Anonymous said…
I love it when that kind of stuff happens!
StephenS said…
Mike, this is very inspiring. It's great when things work out, right at the moment when you really need it. Thanks for sharing.
shannon said…
this reminded me of that scene in 'jerry mcguire' with free fallin on the radio.

love it when things come together unexpectedly! :)
Barb Wagstaff said…
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Barb Wagstaff said…
Thanks for the great reminder!
Rida said…
I'm a Petty fan and have several CDs with me in my vehicle. So I put one in the player to crank

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