Off to California

 So, off to the West Coast.

I'm very excited to be a part of the 2nd annual Medtronic Diabetes Advocate Forum, being held March 29-30 at the insulin pump maker's HQ in Northridge, California.

More than two dozen Diabetes Online Community members are heading out for this summit, which began in 2011 and had a great turnout and discussion (or so I've read, because I wasn't a part of that inaugural event).

In the past two years, I've been fortunate to be asked by another D-company, Roche Diagnostics, to be a part of their annual summit and have tried to not only learn from those events and express my thoughts on how we can all work together, but to represent the rest of the diabetes community in some capacity.  I trust Medtronic's forum is aimed at the same purpose, and so that's what I will focus on - being an engaging attendee trying to represent and let the rest of our community know what's happening there, via Twitter and blogging and whatever other online means might work best.

There's a hashtag, #MedtronicDAF, so you can follow along and also ask questions you might want to know. We'll keep watch on the twitter-feeds as best we can.

Yes, Medtronic is paying our way.  They're flying us there and back, putting a hotel roof over our heads for two nights, and providing transportation and food for most of the stay.

No, they haven't asked - and I have no reason to think they would - ask me to write about the summit, even though they know I probably will anyhow. And by all means, whatever I think will be what I write - good, bad, indifferent or otherwise. See my Disclosure page for more.

Oh, and even though there's a CGM sensor manufacturing plant tour on tap I have no expectation of receiving any pump or CGM supplies. I use the Dexcom anyhow, despite my use of the Medtronic 722.

So there we are. I'm flying out to the Los Angeles area in hopes of a great event and being able to see some great friends. Hopefully, the TSA doesn't toss any problems my way. Stay tuned to hear how it all goes!


shannon said…
safe and happy travels! (and good weather!) :) i look forward to reading your thoughts when you return.
Shannon said…
I just learned about this event today when I saw so many DOC'ers tweeting about it -- how exciting! I hope it is an informative trip, and I am looking forward to hearing all about it! Glad you made it safe and sound. Oh and palm trees make me happy, too! lol

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