When Backups Fail

You never know when you’ll need a backup in the daily life with diabetes.

Blood meters might be forgotten on the way out the door, so it’s good to have a backup. Test strips vials might be empty or down to one or two strips – not enough for the full day. Lancets, pump supplies, extra batteries for insulin pumps, a bottle of insulin and syringe.

My desk and briefcase are stocked with these backup supplies.

For those Just In Case moments.

Sometimes, I’ve used my backup strips or pump supplies and then forgotten to replace them – it happens.

But I do my best to make sure the backups are not going to go the way of failing when they’re actually needed.

Heck, I even have an extra phone charger that I carry in my bag just in case my battery life needs a boost to make it through the day. Because seriously… who can live without a cell phone these days?

Preparation is the key, and I like to think I’m pretty prepared with a backup plan and even backups to my backups in some cases.

But even that isn’t enough, as I discovered the other day.

My Dexcom CGM battery bar was low on life and needed a charge, but I fell asleep that night without plugging the device for that needed boost. A work meeting the next morning took me away early and I neglected to grab the one and only charging cable that could recharge Dex at my desk later in the day.

Now, one might think you could just suffice without needing a little more juice and make it through the day.

That’s what I thought, too. But not this time.

Dex died as my work meeting was ending and so I made a quick dash back home to pick up the cable. Then, armed with my recharging cable, I made it back to my office and plugged Dex in at my desk while working the rest of the day from there.

Maybe it’s time to buy a second Dex charger to keep on me, just in case. Having a backup is so important, and you never know when you’re go-to backup plan (hoping the battery charge lasts until you can make it home…) might not be enough.

In a world where D-devices and supplies are a part of living healthy, you can never be too prepared.

What backup plans do you have in place? Share some tales of how those have worked, or not worked?


Amy@Diapeepees said…
Sounds like we're blogging a bit on the same topic this morning...
Beth said…
I finally started keeping a vial of insulin in the fridge at work. I ended up stranded a few weeks ago when my husband dropped me off at work and I realized I was just about out of insulin in my pump, and had absolutely no backup supplies with me- not even insulin and a syringe. Husband couldn't get out of work so my sister in law had to come pick me up and take me home.

Now I have a vial plus pump supplies in my desk. I just started a new 90-day mail order system, so I have lots of vials at home, and will use the one at work last, when I order more.
Lilly said…

Good for you that you have back-up supplies. Thinking I can (gently) suggest this to my husband, as batteries are often an issue for him. And yes, the best laid plans can still fall apart sometimes, because who hasn't fallen asleep on the couch? Unfortunately, you can't just leave your diabetes at home for the day!

Take care,

Anonymous said…
Another mom at a support group gave me this tip...keep extra infusion sets, batteries and low treatments in the glove compartment of the car. Can't keep temp sensitive stuff there though. We've done this for my daughter and it's been a backup to the backup in my purse or her school backpack.
Kristin said…
We found the Dex lasts about 3 days without a charge after we left the charging cord behind in another state. Like you, we now have two! It is crazy how many backups you end up putting in place.
victoria said…
I have a giant bag in my "food" drawer in my office. It's stocked with batteries, extra reservoirs, pump sites, a CGM sensor and anything else you can think of. I usually run out at work. :) Now, remember to restock the backup is a whole other story.

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