The Joslin Experience

My mom was diagnosed with Type 1 when she was five years old back in 1958. She was recently able to travel to Boston to the Joslin Diabetes Center as part of the 50-Year Medalist Study , after being encouraged by her current endo Dr. Fred Whitehouse at Henry Ford up in Detroit. This is her account of that experience. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The 50 Year Medalist Study hopes to test about 1,000 people. I was number 652 in the testing process. Joslin has given out approximately 1,500 of the medals so far. When I received my medal in 2008, I did not volunteer to participate in this study. Since then, I've been encouraged by several people I hold in high regard to do so. Upon thinking about it and talking to the study coordinator, it seemed like maybe something good would come out of it. Why are there people after 50 years with few or no complications and people after 10 years with major problems? Do some of us hold answers to things like this? Maybe we ...