Take That

Yes, I CAN eat ice cream.

Loved this hot fudge sundae, with a cherry on top...

(SWAG = 50g -> I'll leave your mind working on how that D-Math worked out...)

Take THAT, Wendell!

And THIS...

See that window to the right there? I believe that's the office of a certain publisher...

So, Take THAT Southside Times...

Even on your own FRONT STEPS, I have no problem eating ice cream.

And so can the rest of the Diabetes Community.

Not matter what you say or write, those of us Living With Diabetes are more than capable of eating ice cream even as we do what we do in managing our D-Lives and overall health effectively.

DON'T tell us otherwise, or pretend to know what's best for OUR worlds.

This is what I think of your writing...

Thanks for playing.


Alexis Nicole said…
Whooohooo! You rock!! Seriously that's amazing :)
Sue Rericha said…
You're awesome! Thanks for letting us all know about this "article" so we can take even more enjoyment from eating ice cream. Diabetes may suck, but diabetics rock!
Meri said…
It would be the best day ever if Fowler googled his name and found this. Best. Day. Ever!

Meagan said…
LOVE this pic, LOVE this post!!!

Also loved my Nutter Butter Blizzard in honor of the Ice Cream Social...and the 108 after blood sugar. :)

We totally can eat ice cream!!!
Joanne said…
Hahahahahahaha! Oh man, that pic in front of the window cracked me up! Thanks for the laugh, glad you enjoyed the ice cream!
Unknown said…
That rocks. I love sticking it to people who tell diabetic they can't do something. It's not only rude but completely wrong. Although, my rocky road ice cream may disagree with your vanilla, I definitely think we agree on the purpose of it all: that we control our lives with diabetes.
Kelly Booth said…
Where you had your ice cream is even better than having it in the first place! That picture needs to be picture of the year - I doubt anyone could ever come up with a better one!
k2 said…
Love where you decided to indulge in your ice cream treat! And might I add: BITE ME, WENDELL!
Unknown said…
LOVE IT Mike!!!!
Karen said…
Oh how I love that you ate your ice cream at the Southside Times!! Awesome!
Anonymous said…
I'm surprised that last picture was so restrained. NICE!
shannon said…
so. much. awesomeness. especially the one outside the paper. AWESOME.
Jeff said…
And might I just share this thought after a DOC ice cream meetup in NYC? http://twitter.com/#!/carobanano/status/100024540964470785

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