Post Apocalypse D-Management
We were watching the disaster-themed movie marathon on Sci Fi recently, and a crazy D-scenario came to mind: What if THAT particular apocalyptic situation played out and those of us People With Diabetes had to maneuver our own survival? Hmm.
This particular flick was a 2009 TV-movie Polar Storm, with the plot basically being that a comet collides with Earth and knocks the planet of its axis, throwing off its magnetic field and causing some crazy EMP bursts that randomly appear and short any electronic device going at the time. So, any cars or cell phones - and anyone touching those at the time of the burst - would pretty much be out of luck.
(Disclaimer: the fact that I was actually watching this movie should in no way signal my endorsement for others to watch it, or hint that my thumbs are in any way pointing upwards when describing the quality of this screen-writing... It was just a way to pass some time without having to exercise the mind. Seriously.)
Anyhow. As some of this transpired on the screen, I glanced at Suzi and wondered aloud: "So, let's say hypothetically this really happened... would my insulin pump be affected? Would I have to disconnect it?" We speculated that would probably be the case. A few minutes later, a character with a pacemaker saw that very scenario play out and leave him dead on the street. Our suspicions were confirmed, indeed.

So, if a meteor ever crashes into Earth and throws off the magnetic field, guess I'll be unhooking the insulin pump and going the syringe-and-vial route.
Or, maybe I'm already in apocalypse-prep since I recently went on another Pump Hiatus and am a few days into that Multiple Daily Injection routine again. Nothing against my pump, just pretty much the same reasons as mentioned last year when I took a needed break - mentally and emotionally - from my trusty pump. Hoping I can lower my A1C again by a whole % point just like before!
Even if I can't, at least I'll be working toward better management more diligently.
And, you know, will be ready for D-Management Post Apocalypse Style. This is not to be confused with the Zombie Apocalypse, that I'm already prepared for with my arsenal of lancets. Now, D-Mom and I need to fashion some sort of lancet-shooting device to combat the zombies... that's a work in progress and options are being explored.
Hopefully, whatever the end-of-the-world disaster may be, it holds off until I can bring my BGs down... or something like that.
This particular flick was a 2009 TV-movie Polar Storm, with the plot basically being that a comet collides with Earth and knocks the planet of its axis, throwing off its magnetic field and causing some crazy EMP bursts that randomly appear and short any electronic device going at the time. So, any cars or cell phones - and anyone touching those at the time of the burst - would pretty much be out of luck.
(Disclaimer: the fact that I was actually watching this movie should in no way signal my endorsement for others to watch it, or hint that my thumbs are in any way pointing upwards when describing the quality of this screen-writing... It was just a way to pass some time without having to exercise the mind. Seriously.)
Anyhow. As some of this transpired on the screen, I glanced at Suzi and wondered aloud: "So, let's say hypothetically this really happened... would my insulin pump be affected? Would I have to disconnect it?" We speculated that would probably be the case. A few minutes later, a character with a pacemaker saw that very scenario play out and leave him dead on the street. Our suspicions were confirmed, indeed.

Or, maybe I'm already in apocalypse-prep since I recently went on another Pump Hiatus and am a few days into that Multiple Daily Injection routine again. Nothing against my pump, just pretty much the same reasons as mentioned last year when I took a needed break - mentally and emotionally - from my trusty pump. Hoping I can lower my A1C again by a whole % point just like before!
Even if I can't, at least I'll be working toward better management more diligently.
And, you know, will be ready for D-Management Post Apocalypse Style. This is not to be confused with the Zombie Apocalypse, that I'm already prepared for with my arsenal of lancets. Now, D-Mom and I need to fashion some sort of lancet-shooting device to combat the zombies... that's a work in progress and options are being explored.
Hopefully, whatever the end-of-the-world disaster may be, it holds off until I can bring my BGs down... or something like that.
Have a great w/e Mike!
Totally sent shivers down my spine.
Loved this post, and the fact that you watched such a goofy movie. We tend to watch a lot of those too. :D
Just curious what motivates you to do that?