Like Sands Through The Hourglass

So. These are the days of our lives.

Full. Busy. Sometimes so tough. But the sands keep falling no matter what, and time passes by.

It's been busy on this end, with so much happening that I've had to unplug from the Diabetes Online Community a bit just to try and keep my head above water. It feels as if there are a few huge clouds hanging overhead, a couple turning dark with lightening and thunder, but they're all growing and demanding equal time and attention. That's just not possible, so priorities are in flux as what needs to be done can be accomplished. Anyhow, I'm hoping to find some time to re-connect before long.

In the meantime, here's a quick list running down some updates and what's on tap before long:
  • We have sent Bacon Gibbs back to Minimed, and so far Gibbs Corleone, The Don of Pumping, has been working out nicely. Even displayed a few times that he is, in fact, The Don of Rage Bolusing, and my body appears to have listened- "offers it couldn't refuse," apparently.
  • You may recall the American Diabetes Association in Indiana recently capped off its Kiss The Pig contest at a pro basketball game, between the Indiana Pacers and Detroit Pistons. Lots of fun with volunteers in pig costumes, plus a real life little piggy that some got to smootch! We were able to attend and see it all happen live from the near-nosebleed seats! The ADA-Indiana has some photos over on its Flickr page you check out here. Me, over there to the right -> that's me talking it up with one of the great volunteer pigs!
  • Wait...Did someone say BACON...?!?!?!?! Oh, my bad. Sorry about that, ADA Pigs. No offense. We love you and your diabetes-supporting advocacy. Still, bacon is yummy. Can't deny it. :)
  • Type 1 diabetic and professional IndyCar racer Charlie Kimball has kicked off a national campaign called "Drive The Switch" program that urges D-patients to talk to their doctors about insulin delivery devices and options to help better manage their diabetes. Options such as pre-filled pens by Novo-Nordisk, maker of the Levemir pens that Charlie uses. What I find coolest about this new effort is that Novo's agreed for each person who pledges it will make a donation to the Diabetes Hands Foundation, up to $10,000. More info is online at
  • The JDRF Indiana's annual Promise Gala is Saturday, April 16 - we're blessed to be attending, along with several others from the local Diabetes Community and even a prominent star in our very own DOC (guess who it might be!). More updates to come on that down the road.
  • Have you ever attended Diabetes Camp? Well, then I need your help! The Diabetes Youth Foundation of Indiana (of which I'm a new board member on) is hoping to create a new tradition for those campers who've attended camp for Five Years. It's a 5-Year Camper program and we need a cool name (like the "Bartonians" at Camp Clara Barton in Massachusetts). But, what fun name should we use for this Indiana-based DYFI called Camp Until A Cure? I'd ponder something having to do with bacon or unicorns, or maybe even BluntLancet... Hmm.
  • On May 7, there's the 7th Annual Gong Show locally where people can show off their talent (or lack of it) and compete to not be "gonged" off stage. This is sponsored by the Norma Taulman Memorial Fund that has some personal diabetes connections, and all of the money goes to Diabetes Youth Foundation of Indiana and its camp. You can help out, by going here. There's a cool Wall of Pawsibility where you can have your name put on a little paw  that will then be displayed on a wall for hundreds of spectators to see. Only $10 for such a great cause! The deadline for this is April 18.
  • A recent church sermon caught my attention. The focus was about being in a deep, dark, depressing valley and not knowing how to get out of it. But knowing that we have those walking with us, even when it doesn't seem like it. That was reassuring, something that hit home on so many fronts right now. Not only with the Diabetes Community, when you talk to someone who truly "gets it" and feels the Ups and Downs as you do, but in so many other aspects of life. Personally, professionally, spiritually. Let's just say it's tough looking up out of the abyss and seeing more sand falling down on top of you, but at least knowing there is someone with a shovel up there doing his or her best.
  • Baseball season is here and that makes me happy. Even if I miss my own D-No Hitters. The Detroit Tigers have their home opener today, and so I hope they can pull off a W there against Kansas City (no offense, Brother Strange!!!)
  • My wife, dog, and cat bring a smile to my face. Well, at least the first two do... The cat is evil and likes to pee on things. So no, I'm not a fan at the moment.
  • Thank you to all who attended and represented the Diabetes Community at the recent Medtronic Diabetes Advocacy Forum in California. You rock. And Minimed, thank you for being so willing to engage the DOC, listening to our voices and building the foundation of a great ongoing relationship.
That's all. Hope everyone is well, stays well, and has a chance to just live a little and smile. Thanks for stopping by. See you when I see you. Remember, diabetes and life can make you crazy - but don't let those be your excuses. Just be a little crazy back at 'em.


Jess said…
that's quite the pic, mike! thanks for letting us know how you're doing. have a great weekend!
Wow! You have a lot going on, dontcha? I hear that... I thought it might slow down in April.... Nope- looking to May...

Need to look into Charlie Kimball. Thats way cool!

I thought about your cat today when I saw my blue JDRF bag. Sweet's kitten was found swinging on the chandelier... He's a nut. Good thing I love him!

Stay crazy!
As far as the 5+ year camp name goes... I think that's something the campers themselves should decide :) Perhaps you should suggest they vote on it this summer- of course, the board could offer suggestions... but I think traditions are always best when they originate from those who receive them!

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