Friday Goodness

A busy and somewhat stressful week comes to a close, but the work is far from finished. So in the interests of brevity to keep plugging away, I offer a five-shot of Friday Goodness (being that it's Good Friday, and all).
  • Yes, it's the Friday before Easter - marking what John 19:42 describes as the crucifixion and death of Jesus. But more than this religious holiday, the calendar is also proclaiming that it's Earth Day! So, go hug a tree or something. Or help inspire awareness and appreciation for this planet's natural environment. Or EVEN BETTER: Go to Starbucks, where for today only you can take your own reusable mug or tumbler and get a free hot or cold drink!!! We plan to go here soon enough, though it may be Sunday prior to our Lasagna dinner that night!
  • Even my blog stats illustrate that Easter is on the mind. Top search terms in the past week include: "Moses and the Burning Bush," "Burning Bush," and "Bible Story Moses" - all likely a result from this Easter 2010 post where I referenced some Bible tales to talk about my occasional "burning toe" neuropathy symptoms. Following behind are terms: "Gremlins," "Popice," "Old People Driving With Diabetes," variations of "i miss you this much, love" that go to my archives (WTF??), and the ever-key question "Can diabetics turn into zombies?" (Brains...) I'm also appreciative of those who find me by searching by name -> (hi there, Washington D.C. Verizon user, and Google searchers in Mifflinburg, Pennsylvania, and... uh... Bulgaria!) *me, waving*
  •  Marking Easter, we do try to avoid the pesky little peeps that are so squishy and saturated with sugar. But we certainly appreciate chocolate bunnies in this house, and as we're diligently trying to conserve cash, we discovered some cheap chocolatey treasures this week to continue this yummy tradition. My Loving and Supporting D-Wife even wrote a blog post about it the other day over at Laughter & Tears, where she did some D-Math and had some fun. Following up on that, I thought it'd be appropriate to provide an update on the status of the aforementioned chocolate bunny.
  • All that chocolate and general talk about sugar made me reflect on the higher BGs that I've seen lately. But it didn't dawn on me until I opened up my blood meter case recently that I really noticed how much I've been testing. The mass of used strips illustrates my point, though they're all disposed of now after falling on the floor and forcing me to dispose of them.
Sneaky little suckers.

  • Oh, don't forgot to go Talk! We've talked here before about the JDRF's talking online and how it wants to engage this community. You know, through what's called Type 1 Talk. Well, they have relaunched the effort and it's expanding and we're all able to get involved. What's even cooler than just participating, though? Well, this:
    To help celebrate the re-launch of the new and improved Type 1 Talk, we're offering up a trip to Government Day.  Anyone who posts and holds an event in April or May will be entered into a random drawing for a trip to Government Day in 2012 (typically scheduled for early March.)  To be eligible for the prize, you must post photos of your April/May event on our Type 1 Talk fan page and complete the post-event host survey.  All photos and surveys must be submitted before the drawing takes place on June 7th.
    To take a look at this post Kim wrote up and then go be a part of Type 1 Talk. (Oh, and like my fellow D-Blogger noted -> I was recent attendee at the 2011 JDRF Government Day in D.C. and that in no way influenced my decision to mention Type 1 Talk here. Really, it's just that cool and we should all be a part of it because meeting and advocating and hanging out with other D-Peeps rocks!)

With that, I'm out.

Hope the Friday is Good, as the name implies, the Earth treats you well today, and this weekend is a good one for you and yours!


(Don't forget to find ALL those hidden eggs, cuz that might really stink up the joint...)


Kim said…
I love this post for a few reasons:

1. It mentions free coffee, and
2. That picture of you and Riley is ADORABLE.
3. Thanks for the link love!


Happy Easter, and I hope you have a great weekend, Mike!
Karen said…
Coffee, chocolate, and pets who #dsma and blog? This might be the most perfect post ever!! :)
Lora said…
Now I want chocolate... and coffee... and maybe even your dog :)

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