The Ricki Lake Blunder

Fellow Diabetes Advocate and Huffington Post writer Riva Greenberg asked for some help with an article she wrote recently on the heels of Ricki Lake's statement on Good Morning America that "juvenile diabetes is preventable." She notes that the Huffington Post rejected it for the first time in 50 submissions. They agave no reason other than "it's not a fit for us." Riva thinks it's worth a read and continues the conversation that type 1 needs more visibility and that type 1 and 2 are confusing to the public. So I've posted her article here as a way to help spread  the word, as Riva wants.
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(Recently) on “Good Morning America” actress and former talk show host, Ricki Lake, said juvenile diabetes was preventable. She’s since apologized. “This was a mistake on my part and in no way was meant to offend anyone dealing with the very serious disease of juvenile diabetes.”

Photo Source: Access Hollywood.
 Lake was speaking about her new book and AllStride program to combat childhood obesity when she made her mistake. “I commented that juvenile diabetes was preventable when in fact it is type 2 diabetes. This was a mistake on my part and in no way was meant to offend anyone dealing with the very serious disease of juvenile diabetes.”

I’m not offended. In fact, I’m a little delighted. Her mistake only confirms the public’s confusion about type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Even Lake’s interviewer smart guy, George Stephanopalous, didn’t catch her mistake. Now that is one thing I am sorry about. That the error was not snuffed out in its tracks and may deepen the confusion for those who didn’t catch Lake’s apology.

You’d think Lake, who’s advocating stemming the tide of childhood obesity – linked to the rise of type 2 diabetes in children – would know better than to confuse juvenile diabetes (type 1) with type 2 diabetes (adult onset diabetes). Type 1 diabetes is an auto-immune condition, not related to weight or a sedentary lifestyle and it’s not preventable or reversible.

Lake probably does know better, and it was probably a glitch of the mind, just a slip of the tongue. Then again, she actually made two mistakes. The name “juvenile diabetes” was changed to “type 1 diabetes” in 1997.

Then again you’d think Dr. Oz, “America’s doctor,” would know better. When he appeared last year on Oprah Winfrey’s program on diabetes he actually said, “Type 1 is also called juvenile diabetes and you are born with it.” Oh, my, born with it. That’s a pretty HUGE mistake! Just to clarify, while type 1 diabetes occurs more often in children than adults, you are not born with it.

Do I blame Lake for her blunders? Not at all. These are the type of mistakes the general public make all the time. Most people don’t even know there’s such a thing as type 1 diabetes as we are so overshadowed by all the media and pharma attention on type 2 diabetes. I am less understanding however how Dr. Oz could get it so wrong.

Maybe you’re thinking what’s the big deal? The big deal is multi-pronged. I believe the lack of recognition of type 1 diabetes and understanding its daily life-threatening nature, impedes urgent and necessary funding toward a cure.

The fact that type 1s are judged harshly by the public for “causing their condition” is just plain hurtful, just as much as to type 2s. The fact that we are invisible against the large canvas of type 2 diabetes is often painful. The fact that the public is so misinformed and uninformed may actually hinder life-saving treatment when a type 1 needs it.

So let’s go back to that “life-threatening” part: As a type 1 every day, every few hours, I have to test my blood sugar and then often do something to return it to a near-to-normal, safe zone. If my blood sugar’s too low I can fall into a coma and die. If my blood sugar’s too high my body can produce toxic acid in my blood stream called ketoacidosis, and over time I will likely succumb to a premature heart attack, blindness, amputation, host of nerve conditions and have a life span 15 years shorter than if I didn’t have type 1 diabetes.

If you’re interested, you’ll find a side by side comparison of type 1 and type 2 diabetes in“The type 1 versus Type 2 Diabetes War.”

One thing I noticed in the diabetes community regards Lake’s mistake was upset from parents of children with type 1 diabetes. If you want a little window into living with type 1 diabetes ask any parent who has a child with it. A mother or father who has to hold their five year old down every day to give her several injections a day. Who has to poke their child’s hurting, tiny little fingers all through the day to get a read and regulate her blood sugar. Who has to force their child to eat when she doesn’t want to and stop her from eating when she does. Make her move when she doesn’t want to and stop her from moving when she does.

Most parents go to sleep fearful every night that their child will not wake up due to a dangerous blood sugar drop overnight that can not always be predicted or prevented.

I have asked these parents what it’s like. I also know that children with type 1 diabetes grow up and become the person sitting next to you, sitting unseen with her invisible life-threatening disease.

I think type 1 diabetes needs the recognition that type 2 diabetes has gained. I think the roughly 3 million people with type 1 diabetes, living in the shadow of the almost 25 million with type 2 diabetes, deserve to be acknowledged for what they live with and what they do to keep living, every day. For their courage, for their hope, for their tenacity.

So Ricki, while some say your mistake has added to the myths of diabetes, I thank you for what it has also done – brought more media attention to type 1 diabetes than we’ve had in a long time.


Anonymous said…
I agree; besides, I think Ricki Lake owned up to her mistake, unlike so many others who either ignore it, dismiss it as unimportant, or backtrack to try and make themselves look like they're not at fault. She handled the issue as well as can be expected, and while her agenda is to address an issue that's nearer to her heart (childhood obesity, given that she played a role of an obese child in Hairspray), we really need some new celebs to own the cause of type 1. Mary Tyler Moore has done a great job for years, but she's no longer in the public eye the way she once was. I am a tad troubled by the newbie-celebs with type 1 who treat it as if it's "no big deal" and are more interested in using their celebrity status to endorse a particular brand of meter. Yes, I mean the Jonas Brothers (specifically Nick), we should ask exactly what these dudes have done to increase understanding of the disease? While they have reportedly pocketed a multi-million dollar endorsement from Bayer diagnostics, so far, JDRF has reportedly received a mere $100,000 from Bayer as a result of the Jonas involvement. Charitable? We should judge how charitable a tad more critically.

Back to Ricki Lake, I do believe she did her best under the circumstances and for that we can be thankful. Let's hope publicists will consider this the next time around!
Sysy said…
I was just writing about this post! I loved it! Thanks for putting it up on your well read space!
Renata said…
I think her correction has done wonders, well wonders for those who actually heard the correction. It's a definite step in the right direction. You don't see apologies often, do you?
I agree! I'm glad you have put this in a positive light- the more attention T1 can get the better, and this hopefully brought some attention.
Unknown said…
Great post! I really feel like Ricki did a great job with the recovery...wish GMA had bothered to acknowledge it the next morning instead of blowing us off like Oprah and Dr Oz did. Alas, they finally spoke up, albeit a little late.

One day at a time...
Xanax said…
Even so, your site still looks beautiful! I love looking at your illustrations. They’re just so happy. Xanax
Unknown said…
Loved this post Mike.

And...for some reason, my eyes are stinging with tears from the last few paragraphs that she wrote. Beautiful.
Meri said…
This is a wonderful post. I wish the world could read it.

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