Recounting Ten

As we usher out 2010 and welcome in the New Year, I'd tried to go through all my posts for this past year and do as others have done - pinpointing my favorites or finding one per month that stands out. But that just didn't happen and the clock was ticking down. So, instead, you get a recap of the highlights that are at the top of my mind.
Those are just some of the highlights in my mind. I'm sure there are many more important and worthy items, but with less than a day left before 2011 begins, there just isn't time. So, enjoy the above and feel free to skim the archives and let me know what your favorites are!

Happy New Year!


Unknown said…
Happy New Year Mike!
meanderings said…
An even dozen! Nicely done.
Happy New Year to you both!
George said…
Happy New Year Mike! I know that last one will be achieved soon!

Take care buddy.
Mike Durbin said…
Happy New Year, my friend!
Tom said…
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