Not About The Halloween Candy

 This here is kind of a re-run, or at least a largely recycled one from Halloween 2009. Sorry for not being original, but we just ran out of time on this end and we don't yet have any D-Decorated Pumpkins or the Wilford Brimley getup ready. So, here's a theme that some others in the DOC have echoed for the Halloween holiday. Whatever dressup you may be doing or whether candy's on tap or not, make sure to be safe and have some fun! Oh, and if you haven't yet found the time, head over to the JDRF Walk Page for the Sparling's Six Until Me team page because they're walking on Oct. 31 in Rhode Island! Anyhow, Happy Halloween!
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Every Halloween, it always strikes me as amusing how much you can find online discussing the perfect balancing act for Halloween candy-eating and diabetes management.

Personally, I grew up not caring much about the candy component of Halloween. Sure, I liked the candy and wanted some just like all kids. Of course, I was told that I couldn't have much and would have to work it in or only have a few select pieces from my bag. Now, at age 30, I don't recall being traumatized by this or that it was all that big a deal - it may have been then, I just don't know. There was one house in particular down the street that was always better than anyone else, and gave out that one full-sized candy bar rather than the bite-sized versions typically given out. Had to make a stop there. Even with that, I wasn't like Garfield trying to convince my dog Odie to go with me simply so I could get more "candy candy candy!" (Nope. I preferred the lasagna!)

Really, candy doesn't make the holiday special. It's everything else. More importan than the candy, I recall the fun times of the holiday. The costumes. Being with friends. The pre-season pumpkin carving, party-going, hayrides, and haunted houses. That was more exciting and memorable.

I like to think that has continued into my adulthood, particularly now that I've reached my 30s. We don't yet have children to dress up and screen candy for, but many of our friends do and we always enjoy seeing the little munchkins come to our doors dressed up. So, we have to have the candy bowl stocked and ready to go near the doorway.

Halloween is about the horror, but not the diabetes-style... We all know the D-Horror stories associated with management and complications. That's not the type I'm up for when Halloween comes around. No, I'd rather be up for the classic flick types: Garfield's Halloween Adventure, It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown; Night of the Living Dead and Return of the Living Dead and all the spawn; usually one of the Halloween movies playing throughout the night; and any other horror classics that might be showing. Gremlins could probably be added to the list to, as that's recently been a discussion topic in the Hoskins Household (we decided it could be either Christmas or Halloween).

Then, there's the cat. I'm confident that we once had a costume for her and dressed her up in little devil ears, but they're no where to be found. So, we may have to craft some makeshift costume. Or, we can just go out this weekend and buy her and the dog one - which is probably what we'll end up doing! So, stay tuned for all of those pictures and more from the Hoskins Halloween over at my Flickr page. I'm sure you won't be disappointed.

What is everyone else doing? Any cool, diabetes-themed outfits such as what Jacquie has described? Any special D-focused plans? Whatever is on the agenda, candy or not, hope it's a great time!


Cara said…
I loved being the "cool kid" at school right after Halloween...cause I took most of my candy to school and gave it away to my friends who's parents had confiscated their candy already. :P
I LOVE dressing up. I still do it almost every year.
And Halloween is not complete w/out It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.
Isn't it amazing how those of us who grew up w/ diabetes don't recall being "deprived" at Halloween? We just remember the good stuff.
sysy said…
Recycled or not I like your post! Anyway, since my kids are little and one is allergic to peanut and egg, we have to stay away from most activities...We'll dress up and go to my parent's house and have a safe environment there. When the kids are older we'll probably host a safe party that as you mentioned, focuses around fun activities-which is where real memories come from. I mean, kids LOVE trick or treating way more than eating candy (although It may not appear that way...) Anyway, a focus on fun stuff to do seems like a great and healthy way to go :)
I am so glad to hear this! I certainly don't think she's being scarred for life by not gorging on candy but it's nice to hear it from an adult T1 perspective. And Halloween is about SO much more than candy! Sweetpea "sells" me her candy. I take it to school for the kiddies there and she gets to go shopping. She really makes out on this deal! She keeps smarties for lows and m&m's for a treat. It works for us! Thanks for sharing! Happy Halloween!
ps- your cat really let you dress him up? really?
Unknown said…
Thanks for your perspective Mike. Joe's first Halloween, I had to limit the candy and work it into our "meal plan" b/c he was on injections. Since he has been on a pump...well let's just say my plan has yo-yo'ed a bit...I think moderation is the way to go...after last year when I let the little bugger eat like 100+ grams of candy after TOTing...and he initially went low then high all night long. I think sometimes I still try to convince myself that we can do anything as big and as bad as we want to. When, actually, everyone would benefit from moderation.

Thanks for the re-post for your "newer" readers.
Unknown said…
We're all about THE MAIN EVENT over here. Suit up and hit the streets, bag in tow ;)

My favorite part is hanging in the driveway, grilling hot dogs for passersby (we live in the desert), and seeing everyone's costumes!

Can't say we have anything D themed this year...except, of course, our JDRF Walk the day before!

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