Carby, The Great D-Pumpkin

Happy Halloween 2010! Overall, it's been a relatively un-eventful but very relaxing and fun Halloween in the Hoskins' Hoosier Household. We didn't dress up this year, though that's almost not even something to consider nowadays since there's no question I can compete with the cool crayon costume that I sported as a 5-year-old back in 1984, marking my first post-diagnosis Halloween. But it was great seeing all the little kids come to the doors, and it's always fun to see some of the cute outfits and see some neighbors so excited about the fun for their families. We did pass out candy, and of course, I decided to test it and enjoy some myself - just to be safe! It didn't throw my sugars off ( too much ). That was the end of a fun weekend with a few D-related adventures and surprises. On Saturday, Mike Durbin from MyDiabeticHeart and his girlfriend were passing through the area and stopped by the house for a quick, impromptu D-Meetup! It was a great ...