Dennys & Diabetes at 1 a.m.

Get ready for a rocky ride, one that calls for a two-part post.

First, you'll learn why two Type 1 diabetics were in a Denny's parking lot at 1 a.m. on the northside of Indianapolis, exchanging syringes and a "magic drug" while talking of blood and being High. Not to mention every under the sun (or moon) as far as diabetes management.

But that's only the first part, which sets the stage for a Starbucks-free night complete with a Power Outage - both electrically for my neighborhood and metaphorically as it relates to my D-Life. We won't neglect telling how the paramedics came out to visit from there, spilled blood all over the sheets, and manage not to terrorize the trusty D-Dog who'd been detecting Low BGs since the earlier C-A-R R-I-D-E.

All of this before 7 a.m.

It is what it is, in the Life of a Diabetic who tends to avoid sleep way too often but keeps things interesting.

Staying up late Tuesday night in preparation of a busy workday Wednesday, I found myself drifting away from doing the work tasks and instead turning to what was happening in the Diabetes Online Community.

An urgent Tweet caught my eye. It came from a fellow Indy area D-Blogger who lives on the opposite side of the circle surrounding the city (Thinking of a clock, I'm on the southside at 5 while she's up on northside at 1). Her BG had been High for way too long, and after a couple site swaps, she wasn't going any lower. Injections were out, as she had Zero syringes.

My mind flashed back to times in my past when Pump Failures have flashed into my life, and how the syringes that were once a part of my D-Management regime just weren't available. How I needed a shot, but had to make due with higher BGs until that insulin could start working. After a few message exchanges, we coordinated an impromptu D-Meetup where I could get her some syringes and a fresh bottle of Humalog. The location: Denny's up on the north side, about a 37-mile drive from my home.

The time was just after midnight, and after informing and kissing the sleeping wife goodbye, the Riley Dog and I ventured out onto the roadways. Not before doing a BG test, revealing a 71 mg/dL. I scarfed down some Starburst and some PB crackers, waited, and then set out on the car-ride.

We made it in about 25 minutes. Got there, gave her the needles and insulin, and then we found ourselves standing in the parking lot for awhile talking about area D-activities, overall D-management, pumps and CGMs, MDI pros and cons, and D-Police. A wide gamut of topics for 1 a.m. in a Denny's parking lot. At one point, as the dog wandered around and sniffed the parking space we were standing in, I glanced up and saw some people watching us suspiciously from inside the diner. Must have interesting, to see two people and a dog standing out there for a half hour, at one time waving needles around and showing off parts of their bodies where weird medical devices were hooked up to them. I'm sure someone thought about contacting the police about our loitering that must have appeared to be a drug deal for those late-night onlookers.

But, we made it away without any police response that time around.

We said our goodbyes, and then I set for home, craving a Starbucks but knowing that none were open at this late hour and that it was probably for the best. Simply, it was going to be a busy Wednesday and I needed to get some sleep. But the night was far from over, and my adventure was only half-over...

Stay tuned for Part 2, coming as soon as humanly possible...


Unknown said…
OK...I'm hooked get on with part 2 ASAP!!!

Love the image of you guys meeting up in the parking lot with the syringes flailing in the air etc.
Meri said…
I know what happens and I'm still anxious to hear the second half!
Alexis Nicole said…
This is the coolest story ever! Would make an awesome afterschool special! cant wait to read part 2!
Penny said…
I love this tale...
Cara said…
I <3 the D-OC. :) It's nice to have people around to help out.
Unknown said…

Looking forward to what happens next!
ninnifur said…
You are the most awesome-est friend ever :)

I didn't realize how wierd that must have looked when we were flailing syringes and showing off our sites! hahah
Anonymous said…
Ok, you hooked mewith this story some time ago. We need Part 2. :)
Anonymous said…
This is Part 2, called Power Outage and Paramedics. Posted the following day...

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