A Quick Photo Recap on Roche Diabetes Summit

The second Roche Social Media Diabetes Summit is finished, and it's back to the real world that for me is not D-focused. The pharma giant brought the 37 of us together in Orlando earlier this week, and here's the proof in a photo. This was an awesome experience and my mind is on massive overload, so there will be more updates and recaps to come - but first, must focus on the day job and get some needed work done. In the meantime, here's the group that came together.


Bea said…
It was great to meet you, Michael. I'm so honored to have made part of such an amazing group of passionate people. Looking forward to seeing you again soon. Chicago is not that far!
Brenda W said…
That is so neat, and I'm so happy you had a good time meeting all the other d folks!! I'm a bit jealous, but very very very happy that you were able to attend. Can't wait to read your take on it!!
AmyT said…
Awesome having you there, Michael. And ditto what Bea said :)
Crystal said…
So glad I got to meet a fellow T1 veteran my age!! :-)

You Rock, Mike. Don't ever stop being you. Until next time....
Scott S said…
Great to finally meet you in person, Mike! Let's hope to have another meetup like this one again in the future!

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