Removing a threat

Another school shooting massacre, this time a college campus. Man walks into classrooms and shoots dozens of people - 33 dead in all. Some of the students say he "seemed trained" in using the weapon. Another example of why guns shouldn't be allowed. Yes, enter all the Second Amendment furvents and hunters who think otherwise, avidly preaching that it's not the "responsible, law-abiding" gun owners who commit these crimes. My question: HOW THE HELL DO YOU KNOW THAT? Maybe he hunted, and bought this weapon for hunting. Maybe he went hunting every year with with his father and brother growing up, getting training and leading up to the unforseeable mental breakdown and massacre at V-Tech. We must blame ourselves for this tragedy. We aren't a mature enough society to own guns, for whatever reason. At the same time., we're also not a mature enough society to make a stand and ban these killing machines. By doing that, at least you eliminate SOME of the risk. Criminals can still find guns. But it will be more difficult. People who cite the Constitution as their "God-given" right to own a gun... Please. Maybe back in the day, but not now. Guns have changed too much. Our Framers didn't foresee or intend to allow what has become. There comes a time when laws and rules can't keep up with society's advances, and therefore must be amended. That's how the law works - it's ever-changing. If not, then these people should only be able to own single-shot weapons and cannons - not semi autos and automatics, and handguns that can be concealed. We must take this action. If only we had lawmakers who had the backbone to make this statement, not be intimindated by friends who hunt or big-dollar contributers like the NRA. If only.... Maybe we could make a concentrated effort to stop destroying ourselves.


Anonymous said…
People have the right to bear arms and defend themselves when the government is unable to or does not protect its citizens. BTW, it is written into the constitution of which you are a citizen.
I do not feel sorry for this Bastard's Family. They should have never been allowed to enter the USA. They gave birth to this devil and are responsible as well for all the killings. It is strange that Cho had a Green Card after many many years of being here and did not become a citizen. It is also strange that he had the words Ishmael Ax written on his arm and the return address of the package that was sent to NBC News. These are all references to Islam.
As far as "this type of thing spreading to other countries", it has.
In the Philippines you have the Muslims killing Christians.
In Dafur, you have the Muslims killing Christians.
In India you have the Muslims killing Hindus and Christians.
In the Middle East, you have Palestian Muslims killing Jewish women and children.
In Serbia, you have the Muslims killing Christian Serbs.
In Turkey, you have Muslims killing Christians.
In France and England you have so-called "Incidents", where Muslims have killed and assaulted non-Muslims.
In Russia, you have Muslim Chechens who are responsible for the killing of young non-Muslim children in school as well as other killings. In the USA you have so-called isolated instances of Muslims killing non-Muslims throughout the country. Have you also forgotten 9/11?
If guns were permitted on the V Tech campus by school police or/and retired military personnel then this Cho would have been eliminated and the deaths would have been avoided.
Men have a right, duty and responsibility to protect their families, country and community from this type of Terrorism.
Anonymous said…
"If guns were permitted on the V Tech campus by school police or/and retired military personnel then this Cho would have been eliminated and the deaths would have been avoided.
Men have a right, duty and responsibility to protect their families, country and community from this type of Terrorism."

Wow. If you honestly believe that, then this country is worse off for having you in it. Yes, our Constitution does include a right to bear arms. I also realize this constitutional language was drafted more than 200 years ago, even coming from earlier centures and evolving from sabres and lances. At the time, semi-automatic handguns were not envisioned by these Framers, as the arguments go. It's also important to note that the "beloved, non-changing Constitution" so often cited as a foundation has been added to and changed throughout the centuries, and is often re-interpreted in the law. Take the First Amendment - our constitutional right to free spech is constantly reinterpreted by courts, and those politicians wanting to control the flow of information. As times change, so must the law by which we live in those times. Maybe it's time to revise it.... advocate some caution in our weapons availability so that individuals with serious mental problems, or the desire to kill first anyone who may be perceived as a threat before any other matter. I don't forget 9/11 - insulted by anyone who has the gaull to say it. I very clearly remember that day, as well as the day one of our own "arms-carrying citizens" blew up a builing in Oklahoma City.

Please try to look at the entire picture mindfully, before making off-handed remarks that presume to judge others you've never had any contact with. Anger is too often and unfortunately met with anger, and bloodshed with bloodshet. Yes, it's necessary at times. But that shouldn't be our first thought.

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