
Showing posts from February, 2007

Let's (re)read the Bible

Here's a story glistening with plot devices of sex, religion, ancient history, mystery and contemporary controversy. And note: I proved myself wrong on a religious note, however that leads to a larger inquiry that warrants intellectual exploration... Recently, a conversation (without coffee) arose over homosexuality and the Bible. Those of you know I've never much embraced church or religion, let alone the practice of Scripture in my life. While that is gradually changing with age and marriage and the eventual start of a family, I remain a skeptic at heart - the journalist inside. Anyhow, a friend made the comment about not wanting any homosexual males near her son. Rational: the Bible forbids this type of activity; it's wrong. I disagreed, and we debated the issue for a good hour or so, but in doing so my curiosity intensified. So, research ensued. A Google search of words "homosexuality," "Bible," and "forbid" revealed 353,000 results. After ...

Line of duty

Two Greenwood police officers were shot - one seriously - during a minor traffic stop late Wednesday. Here's the story from the Indy Star. Apparently, one clocked a speeding car and attempted to stop the driver, who pulled into a McD's parking lot. Shots were fired, and it looks like one was shot about four times, including once in the abdomen about an inch below his vest. He's in serious but stable condition at the hospital after surgery overnight. The other officer was treated and released for a bullet to the upper leg. The 18-year-man was shot and killed at the scene. All they were doing was pulling over a speeding car before 11 p.m., and this is what happens. People complain about police pulling them over for these violations, and not going after "real criminals." Others whine on similar notes about how officers shouldn't waste time at night pulling people over for these types of violations, that not everyone out at this hour (or later) is doing something ...

Newsworthy week thus far

In the legal world, Tuesday was a busy, blockbuster-worthy day at the Supreme Court of the United States. Their decisions: Libby final arguments that bring up the differences of blogging and journalism; Guantanamo detainees’ rights; Court throws out $80 million verdict against Big Tobacco and with it makes a crucial ruling on punitive damages; issues a predatory selling decision; and another on the federal habeas standard for review before the High Court. Wednesday was yielding decisions, too. Clincher: many are coming out 5-4, signaling a divided court and even some mixing between conservatives and liberal-like justices. Interesting days in the legal world. Of course, this all comes as the world continues gushing over Ana's body, Britney's new bald look and rehab entrance, and now Britian and Denmark withdrawing from Iraq. News-hounds should be going wild, from courts to entertainment and foreign affairs coverage. All's at play - and it's only Wednesday!

Winter soundtrack

Spring hasn't sprung. Sinatra is playing on my iPod as this blog begins -the irony piles on heavy like the snow this past week, as the song on selection is: You Make Me Feel So Young. Ah, spring. Wouldn't that be nice. Hey, "Fairy tales do come true, it can happen to you..." After a week in Indiana where a foot of snow has fallen, and we're still digging out and dealing with the aftermath, this song is the ultimate irony. Snow-stuck trucks, buried newspapers, pantcuffs full of snow (thanks, Suz), and missed work has made this one heck of a week. I'm ready for spring-time weather. What did that groundhog say again? Anyhow, today was a day of massive indoor, spring-cleaning type cleaning of the house. Organizing, dusting, vacuuming, and all that good stuff. Nice. At least it looks good inside, whatever the ice and snow images are outside. After a long day of doing this, we treated ourselves to a dinner at Texas Roadhouse, using a holiday gift card from Suzi'...

Winter storm

TUESDAY UPDATE: The snow has arrived. Apparently, the forecasters were partially right: it's historic, in relation to the past two years. We have about 6 inches on the ground, along with layers of ice. Essentially: more north of Indy you go, more snow. Farther south, more ice. As the vening sets in, they are calling for more snow. About 3 more inches, they say. I enjoy how police tell everyone to stay home, and during these snow emergencies, they'll arrest you for being out unless it's some pre-determined authorized reason (emergency, food, medical, work). Most didn't go into the office today- we worked from home. Spent the early morning shoveling the driveway, then came inside to work. Looked outside, and the shoveled driveway was a sheet of ice. The snow ended about 7 a.m. with about 6 inches here, and freezing rain began about the same time and hasn't stopped; it's expected to go until more snow after sundown and into tomorrow. All schools are closed. Busine...

Oversensitive ad critics

Yet another example (or two) of a society being way-too sensative. Two groups each objecting to a pair of ads aired during the Super Bowl. Apparently, one GM ad about a suicide-dreaming robot spurred outrage from a suicide-prevention group while another Snicker's commercial showed two guys sharing a candy bar so much they join in a kiss - only to be shocked what they're doing after the sweet is gone and jumping back, doing something "manly" by ripping out some chest hair. This one drew fire from a gay advocacy group claiming it promotes homophobic behavior. Can't say I see or agree with that point, but can't say I even cared for the commercial. Oversensitivity never ceases to amaze. First, it's banning the Pledge because some kids and parents got all bent out shape. Then, it became banning schoolyard games like tag and kickball because some parents felt their child "might get hurt." Now this. C'mon people. I fear for the next generation. Per...

Railroad crossing dangers

Common sense tells us drivers that we should take caution when approaching a railroad crossing. Mom used to say, "Stop, and look both ways." Easy to do. But, most don't. Here in Indianapolis, especially in more rural and now-urbanizing once rural areas, crossings are unmarked with flashing lights and many do not have blocking arms, bells, or everything I'm used to living up in Southeast Michigan. Sadly, it's taken the tragic death of two young boys to put some attention on this issue. Granted, the driver in a family SUV apparently didn't stop or look, and jetted out in front of a train - resulting in the boys' death, but not the driver or other person in the gas guzzler. Yes, that driver should have stopped. But, maybe something else could be done to help ensure or encourage more safety and caution at these dangerous crossings. Critics are already complaining that bad drivers will still be bad drivers, even with added safety measures. It's not the guv...

First snow

Our first snow of consequence fell Tuesday, accompanied by the continuing, now-infamous "Arctic chill" embracing the Midwest. We received about 7 inches on the southside of Indy, and while the light snow was a blessing for shovelers, it was a nightmare for commuters. Snow fell between 11 a.m. and 5 a.m. and the interstate for most of the afternoon were dubbed "unusable." That didn't stop me. I used one to get home, though it took from 3:30-5. Made it safe at an average speed of about 20 mph, sometimes reaching about 35 mph. Came home to shovel. Of course, complications arose at every turn. My usual handy icescraper went missing, and I had to use a combo tool of the older, flimsy wooden one and my gloved hand. Then, the rearwindow defogger apparently is unconnected, so my rear vision was icy and ultimately blinded on the long drive home. To shovel snow, I changed clothes and discovered my winter hats are all gone, along with the heavy down coat I once owned, and ...

Not a true "cold weather" fan

Common sense prevailed, so I'm apparently not a true Colts fan willing to endure freezing-cold weather in support of our team. That's fine - at least my ears, hands, and feet will be happily warm. The victory parade first scheduled for 4 p.m. Monday in downtown Indy (a block from where I work) was twice delayed as the team's plane was delayed, and then as players went to take warm showers prior the big pep rally at the RCA Dome. Can't blame them: I'd want to get a taste of warmth before parading out into this weather. Rather than endure the subzero temps and windchill outside, I decided to venture home. Wasn't my first thought. I'd planned to stay before the delays, but the bitter cold got the best of me even during a quick walk from the parking garage. Of course, that emergency winter hat once sitting in my car backseat has disappeared. Nowhere to be found. My scarf and gloves just don't cut it. Even a trip to one downtown department store was fruitless...

Sports - the way it should be

Here's the Star's account. The Indianapolis Colts, fresh from their Super Bowl victory over Chicago in the Super Bowl, returned home to a victory parade in bone-chilling weather tonight and then greeted their fans in a tumultuous, scream-filled RCA Dome. Delayed about two and a half hours because of a late charter flight and a stop at their headquarters, the victorious team arrived in the dome riding atop trucks and on floats borrowed from the city's signature 500 Festival parade. Last night, about 2,000 people rushed Monument Circle, including homeless fans who'd been watching in the cold. Out of that, six arrests - all of them minor, alcohol-related incidents. Compare that to the fire bombings, riots and fan fights that have erupted in other cities getting a Super Bowl win. At the rally, Coach Tony Dungy recalled that when Irsay hired him five years ago, they agreed to shoot for the Super Bowl but to do it the "right way." They agreed to do it with "gre...

Inconvenient Truth

Pre-Super Bowl movie watching led to more intellectual stimulation and heartfelt concern about real-world issues than I'd expected this Sunday afternoon. The movie was Al Gore's documentary An Inconvenient Truth , which cuts through the clutter and propaganda of global warming. A terrifying look at the facts of what's been and currently is happening to our planet. Now, please note: I'm not a treehugger. A colleague and I used to joke that the 450 inland lakes in our Michigan county should be filled in and paved over with beautiful concrete to make way for more roads. This movie, though, puts the jokes aside and gives real perspective on this huge issue. I've also never been a fan of Al Gore's. But he has a point here with this "climate control slide show" film. Violent weather patterns with intense hurricanes and tornadoes, climate changes, melting icecaps, polar bears drowning for lack of ice to rest on, more invasive species in lakes and trees - sign...

Warming up (only in the mind)

We barricaded ourselves inside this weekend because of the frigid cold outdoors. Big question: What's with the cold weather?? We spent Saturday listening to the noisy winds battering the side of the house, and even a quick morning walk outside for the paper led to unusual shivering that led to staying inside. says it's 6 degrees outside, but feels like -7 here on the southside of Indy. Of course, back in the Michigan hometown it's 3 and feels like 13 below... (Sorry, mom and dad!) And reports are that Monday is going to be the coldest, not even reaching 10 during the warmest part of the day. That's nuts. Reminds me of one of those crazy sci-fi movies about a new ice age (another great way to pass Sunday time when these are on...). Not too fond of this "massive polar vortex" and Arctic cold blast coming down from neighboring Canooks. Is this a record here? Maybe not. But coldest we've seen in the three years since coming to the Hoosier state. At...

Favorites and not so much

Favorites for the week's end: - The 1-2:30 a.m. Roast of William Shatner on Comedy Central. Good stuff, though completely unedited language. - Two plead not guilty to Boston hoax charges . From fellow blogger Wonkette in D.C.: The harmless cartoon Lite Brite thingies might just be harmless cartoon Lite Brite thingies, but the prosecutor still has to be very tough and extra-crazy in such a terroristic situation: “Assistant Attorney General John Grossman called the light boards ‘bomblike’ devices and said that if they had been explosive they could have damaged infrastructure and transportation in the city.” Yes, and if prosecutors were actually barrels of shit wrapped in dynamite, courthouses around the country could be severely damaged and extremely unhygienic. NFL bans churches from holding Super Bowl parties, and the shameless lawyers are sending cease and desist letters. Warning: no watching on TVs bigger than 55 inches. This should be a fun PR nightmare for this greedy league. ...