Lame-duck, lackluster leadership

A fellow blogger out of D.C. made this outstanding observation from news coverage today.... "The 'best political team on television' has come to the remarkable and controversial conclusion that George W. Bush is in the final two years of his second term. As a result of this stunning research, CNN asks a question that rattles the very foundations of our elderly and disheveled democracy: Is Bush a Lame Duck?To support the very act of raising such a hot-button question, the teevee reporters have assembled shocking polls that show Bush is very unpopular. But how can we be sure that it’s okay to wonder if Bush is, indeed, a Lame Duck?"

Kudos, enough to repost it on my own and use as fuel to stand up on my own virtual soupbox. That's the thought process as we make our way toward tonight's annual State of the Union, which comes in about 9 p.m. to disrupt the reality-show, comedy sitcom-watching populace's prime-time viewing. I'd be afraid to ask how many would typically pull themselves from their cable-viewing protocol to tune into Mr. Bush's speech, especially since his approval ratings are lower than ever before and even Republicans are looking the other way. Word is he's a lame-duck, as are any Republicans still grasping onto some form of power. So true. We shall see how he address that tonight - particularly on the touchy topic of Iraq and his push for more troops.

Anyone else not particularly enthused about our current leadership? Nothing much is expected in the next couple years with G.W. on his way out, though his administration denies that. Nobody really cares what he says, and if they do have interest in the topic than there's usually disagreement and opposition these days. I'm itching for a great political debate, and hopefully the 2008 election will provide that. All (or those mattering most) are in now, with Hillary and Obama topping the list of desirables. I'm impressed with both. Haven't read her biography but it's on my reading list, and his first book has been a work-in-progress for months now. Hopefully I'll get to the end by next year. Anyhow, I see potential with both those candidates. Maybe moreso with Barack, who seems to emcompass that conservative, values-thinking along with traditional Democratic thought and philosophy. I don't see politics or partisanship with him - more kitchen-table, average household discussion that means something to the masses.

Personally, think that politics as we know it should be tossed out the window. None of them seem to really say anything anymore. Even there explanations are double-talk, and most can't answer a simple yes or no question. Time for a change. Of course, that means much debate and controversy stemming from all those fun issues such as how much religion should be practiced openly in government and factored into topics like abortion, education, and law - as well as what principles our leaders should bring with them to office. Good times ahead.

Anyhow, that's still somewhat far out and there's plenty time to hear those issues. But here's something fun for tonight: A minute-by-minute blog during the address. It'll probably come within an hour of the speech, listing my thoughts as Mr. President proceeds to make his remarks. Should be a fun way to look at this, as well as keep track of my own twisted and overanalytical examination of what he says. The plan is to start a few minutes early for pre-coverage. There should be a drinking component to this, also - say, everytime the Prez mentions troops, "staying the course", or any variation of oil and dependency.... The list goes on. So, tune in and enjoy.


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