Binding contractual agreement
AGREEMENT Re: Wager on Colts v. Bears Hoskins v. VanAcker, No. 07-SUPERBOWL-XLI Pursuant to an email agreement reached Jan. 28, 2007, this is a binding contractual document that constitutes an official wager between Bob VanAcker and Mike Hoskins. This wager shall be settled upon final outcome of Super Bowl XLI, to be held Feb. 4, 2007 between the Indianapolis Colts and Chicago Bears (hereafter referred to as "The Game"). Whereas, Loser shall - upon notification of outcome of The Game provide brewed alcoholic beverages (herein: "beer") to Winner. This said beer shall be of Winner's choosing and in packaged form of 24 cans. Said Loser shall make arrangements to deliver said beer within 60 days, or by April 4, 2007. Therefore, said Winner shall determine how settled debt is to be divided. Parties shall individually bear responsibility for additional expenses related to these terms, including but not limited to room and board, travel and mileage, and extracurricula...